Hi, welcome to my site.
My name is Ollie and I'm currently studying the first year of the Doctor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne. Prior, I did my undergraduate studies in Mathematics and Statistics. I'm interested in applying my studies in biomedicine, mathematics, machine learning, and computing to better interpret and model biomedical systems. Ultimately, I hope that the integration of quantitative sciences can lead to better patient care and can make us all better clinicians.
At the moment I work casually as a research assistant at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in the Davidson Lab. I have previously worked with the Shim Lab at Melbourne Integrative Genomics on both undergraduate course research as well as a research assistant. I'm open and interested in learning more about bioinformatics and mathematical biology. A list of my research works can be found here. My Google Scholar can be found here.
I also tutor the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). If you're here for that, please see my dedicated Tutoring page. You should have a read through some of the articles I've written!
If you would like to get in touch, my contact details can be found here.